Wednesday, November 24, 2010

New Color Assignment

The above windows are from the Chicago Art Institute and were designed by Mark Chagall.

Create a small painting in the style of either Chagall or Rouault where color is surrounded with black outlines.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Color and Symbolism - Influential Factors


Pick five different shapes and apply the same color to each to see the influence a shape has on a color.

The quantity and placement of the color:

Place a small square of any color inside of a larger square, and then using a second large box place within side of that box another box of the same color as the small box that you used in your first box. Refer to color matters website under quantity and placement.

The Color combination:

Pick three sets of two colors that you think of different associations . For example green and red for Christmas.

NOTE: only put your shapes of the same color on a black background.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lemon Assignment

The next assignment is to look very closely at a lemon and paint the colors that you see. Remember the lemon has many shades and values of yellow.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Color and Nature

Nature provides a perfect departure point for color harmony. In the illustration above, red yellow and green create a harmonious design, regardless of whether this combination fits into a technical formula for color harmony.


Read Chapter 6, Page 144 about color in Nature and Culture.

Then, select an image of a scene from "Nature" and use it as the basis for an abstract artwork similar to the one above.

Project due Wednesday November 10

The above image and text is taken from the Color Matters website.

Neutral Color Assignment

Neutral (NOO-trul) colors don't usually show up on the color wheel. Neutral colors include black, white, gray, and sometimes brown and beige. They are sometimes called “earth tones.”

Circus by Georges Seurat

In Circus, Georges Seurat uses many different neutral colors. You can see a few glimpses of red, blue, and yellow in this painting. But the overall effect is of natural brown and gray colors, like those you might see in rocks or in sand, dirt, and clay.

There are a few different ways to make neutral colors. You can blend black and white to make gray. You can create brown in two ways—by blending two complementary colors together, or by blending all three primary colors together.

Neutralize by choosing a high-intensity (bright) color and neutralizing (dulling it) by adding: Black, white, gray, and its complement

ASSIGNMENT: Make three rectangle boxes and place a complementary color on each end of each box. Then, blend each color until you get a neutral color in the middle.

The above project will be due Wednesday November 10, 2010